When you come up with your corporate name, the first thing you want to do is check the url to make sure it is available and then reserve it, so that somebody else cannot take them. You should also reserve names that are similar to your name, so somebody will not try to play off of what you are doing. Once you make those reservations, you then want to check trademark registrations. You can do it on your own to check the exact name and you can hire a counsel to do a formal search. This costs money, but it prevents having problems later on. You do not want to have a name that sounds like somebody else’s name, even when your name isn’t registered. It can be confusing and it would put you at risk of running into some problems later on. The decision is whether or not you are going to spend the money depending on how valuable the name is to you. If it is really valuable, you’ll spend the extra money. Then you file a trademark registration. You can do it yourself, but you might make a mistake. It is generally best to hire counsel to do it.
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